Since 2015, we’ve been able to reach more than 30’000 students across Switzerland with our human rights education program Speak Truth to Power. So far, we have delivered more than 8’000 books to schools across Switzerland free-of charge. Through our photo exhibitions and events, we’ve been able to create awareness about the protection of human rights and get thousands of students to think about their role in our society.


Inspired by Robert F. Kennedy's vision of a more just and peaceful world, our organisation strives to contribute to a society in which every human being knows, respects, and protects human rights through responsible action.

Representing the international NGO Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, we base our work on three pillars: We pursue justice on human rights, we educate children in human rights advocacy, and we foster a social good approach to business and investment.

As Robert F. Kennedy said during a speech at the University of Cape Town in 1966: “Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” We want to provide the young people of Switzerland and the world with the necessary tools to become such ripples of hope.


  • Permanent relationships with schools in Switzerland that have successfully integrated our educational materials on human rights into their curriculum. So far, we are working with 14 schools.

  • Over 30,000 students and more than 8,000 adults have visited our photo exhibition (portraits of international human rights activists by Eddie Adams) over the last 5 years.

  • More than 8,000 books with portraits and biographies of human rights activists have been distributed to schools across Switzerland.

  • Constant process of translating our teaching materials from German into French, Italian and English keeps us busy.

  • Cooperation with the Human Rights Center at Zurich University.

  • Our education materials have been checked and approved by EDK (Eidgenössische Konferenz kantonaler Erziehungsdirektoren - Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education).

  • We’ve served as the official educational partner of the Human Rights Film Festival Zürich from 2018 to 2022.

  • We’ve developed more than 100 learning units so far.

  • We’ve hosted 21 human rights activists from all over the world here in Switzerland, enabling direct engagement with students and teachers.